Movie box is a well-known third party app that lets users to watch free movies, TV shows, anime and many more. It is listed as a tweaked app because it holds plenty of illegal content such as free pre-paid movies and tv series. It comes with a category and list for all type of movies and TV series that can be downloaded and watched for free on the iOS devices. Movie box pro is the similar as the movie box but there is a little bit of dissimilarity between movie box pro and movie box. Movie box pro can accept users a free VIP pass. You can watch free movies with the VIP pass, and you can also download any movie form movie box for free.
How to Install Movie Box Pro
Step #1. Go to safari and visit the website “Appvalley”. Once you get the website, click to the search icon and then look for movie box pro. Click to the movie box icon and then click to icon “Get” to install the app. Visit a home screen and then go to the movie box to force it to install.
Step #2. Once you have installed movie box pro, visit the Setting, General, Device management and come across the profile for movie box. After that tap on the profile and then click the trust to confirm the app on the iOS devices. Once it is confirmed you can access the movie box without any issue.
Step #3. Once you are in the app you can find a “hexagon icon” available on the top right side of the app. Click to the icon and then tap on a log in with movie box. Once you are logged in with your Google account, you will find a VIP pass available for free. If you don’t log in with your Google account you have no a VIP pass.
Step #4. To download any kind of movie, click to them the movie and then click on the arrow down icon or download icon. After that choose the movie’s quality and then it will start downloading. Once the movie is downloaded then you can play it, just by clicking on it.
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