The web series “Joru Ka Gulam” (2023) is a Hindi-language web series that streams on the OTT platform Digi Movieplex. The main cast includes Manvi Chugh and Anita Jaiswal. Directed by Sameer Salim Khan (as mentioned on Telly Bong) and Maddy (according to Webseries Plus), this series falls under the genres of drama and romance.
The storyline revolves around two couples and their marital life. It focuses on a character named Makhan, an idle boy who often fails to keep his wife happy, leading to constant conflicts between them. In contrast, Makhan’s brother Gajodhar, who lives nearby, is depicted as someone who keeps his wife happy. The narrative explores the dynamics and differences in these relationships.
The series was released on December 1, 2023, and is available in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages. It consists of at least four episodes in its first season.
To watch “Joru Ka Gulam,” you can visit the Digi Movieplex website or download their app on various devices like phones, tablets, and TVs. A subscription to Digi Movieplex is required to access the series.
How to watch Joru Ka Gulaam 2023 web series
To watch the “Joru Ka Gulam” (2023) web series, you can follow these steps:
- Access Digi Movieplex: Visit the Digi Movieplex website or download the Digi Movieplex app. This app is available for various devices including phones, tablets, and TVs.
- Create an Account or Log In: If you are a new user, you will need to sign up and create an account. Are simply log in.
- Choose a Subscription Plan: Digi Movieplex offers different subscription plans. Select the one that suits your needs and complete the payment process.
- Browse the Series: Once you have access, you can browse for “Joru Ka Gulam” on the platform.
- Watch the Series: After finding the series, you can stream the episodes online. There might also be an option to download the episodes for offline viewing.
The cast of the “Joru Ka Gulam” (2023) web series, as listed on various sources, includes the following actors:
- Manvi Chugh: She plays a leading role in the series.
- Anita Jaiswal: Another prominent member of the cast.
- Ravindra Yadav: Featured in the series.
- Rocky Singh Rajput: Also part of the cast.
The series was directed by Sameer Salim Khan and Maddy. It’s a Hindi-language series streaming on the OTT platform Digi Movieplex, focusing on drama and romance genres.