“Shortcut Part 2,” a web series released in 2023 on the Voovi platform, stars Malvika Tomar and Kamana Newar in lead roles. The storyline centers around a woman named Roma who employs cunning tactics to gain control of her husband’s property. The series unfolds as her son and daughter-in-law discover her schemes. This part of the series consists of three episodes: “Money Money Money,” “Beauty is Danger,” and “Not So Easy.” The series falls under the romantic drama genre and can be viewed by downloading the Voovi app and subscribing to their service.
How to watch Shortcut Part 2 Web Series (2023) On Voovi
To watch “Shortcut Part 2” on Voovi, follow these steps:
- First download and install the Voovi app from the Google PlayStore.
- Choose a subscription plan and complete the sign-up process with the required details.
- Complete the payment for the subscription.
- Use the search icon in the app and type “Shortcut Part 2 Husn Se Pleasure.”
- From the search results, select the series to watch all the episodes online.
You also have the option to download the episodes for offline viewing.
Shortcut Part 2 Web Series (2023) On Voovi Episodes
“Shortcut Part 2” on Voovi includes three episodes:
- Episode 6 – Money Money Money: This episode likely delves into financial aspects or conflicts within the storyline.
- Episode 7 – Beauty is Danger: This episode suggests a plot where physical attractiveness intertwines with risky or hazardous situations.
- Episode 8 – Not So Easy: The title implies challenges or difficulties faced by the characters, possibly in executing or countering the schemes.
Each episode contributes to the overarching narrative involving cunning tactics for property control.
About Voovi
Voovi is an Over-The-Top (OTT) streaming platform that offers a variety of web series, primarily catering to adult audiences. It features content in various genres including drama, romance, and more. The platform allows users to stream content online and also offers the option to download episodes for offline viewing. Users can access the content by subscribing to the service through the Voovi app, which is available for download from the Google Play Store. The content on Voovi is generally in Hindi, catering to the Indian audience.