“Besudh” is a 2023 web series from Ullu that delves into the complex themes of love, lust, and betrayal, highlighting the dark aspects of human relationships. The story revolves around Neha, Pooja, and Riya, whose lives intertwine through their connection with Raj, a common figure in their lives. Neha is Raj’s wife, Pooja his maid, and Riya his business partner. The series is a dramatic exploration of how love can morph into obsession, trust can be shattered, and how revenge can become lethal, also addressing issues like domestic violence and infidelity. The series stars Leena Singh, Anita Jaiswal, and Ayushi Bhowmick and is directed by SSK. It was releasing on December 26, Watch Besudh 2023 Ullu Originals Web Series:
Besudh 2023 Web Series Cast
The cast of the “Besudh” web series includes:
- Leena Singh as Neha, a successful lawyer and Raj’s wife.
- Anita Jaiswal as Pooja, a young and innocent girl working as a maid in Neha’s house.
- Ayushi Bhowmick as Riya, a mysterious and seductive woman who is Raj’s business partner.
- Gaurav Singh Rajput as Raj, a wealthy entrepreneur and Neha’s husband.
Watch Besudh 2023 Ullu Originals Web Series, directed by SSK, features these actors in key roles, each character bringing a unique dimension to the complex story.