The 2023 web series “De De Pyar De,” available on the Digi Movieplex platform, presents a bold and dramatic story centered around marital relationships and complex emotions. The plot revolves around a married couple, highlighting the husband’s dissatisfaction with his wife due to her physical appearance. He yearns for a woman with a different figure, specifically someone with a “zero figure.”
This dissatisfaction leads to a web series of events when the husband encounters his attractive next-door neighbor, marking the beginning of a turn towards lustful and complicated situations. The story unfolds with various twists and turns, delving into the themes of desire, marital discord, and the consequences of infidelity.
The narrative is crafted to engage the audience with its portrayal of complex emotional and physical relationships. “De De Pyar De” aims to explore the depths of human desires and the impact of personal choices on relationships.
De De Pyar De Web Series Cast
The cast of the “De De Pyar De” web series, released in 2023 on the Digi Movieplex platform, features the following actors:
- Bharti Jha – She plays one of the lead roles in the series.
- Hiral Radadiya – Another leading actress in the series.
- Gaurav Singh Rajput – Featured in a supporting role.
The web series is directed by Sameer Salim Khan (SSK) and produced by Swarg Wasi Films. The storyline revolves around complex themes of marital relationships and desires.
The “De De Pyar De” web series, released in 2023 on the Digi Movieplex platform, comprises a total of four episodes. The web series is divided into two parts, with each part consisting of multiple episodes.
- Part 1: Released on December 16, 2023. This part includes the initial episodes of the series.
- Part 2: Released on December 29, 2023. This part concludes the web series with its final episodes.
Each episode of “De De Pyar De” delves into the complex narrative involving a married couple and their entangled emotional and physical relationships.