“Percy Jackson and the Olympians” is a series of fantasy novels written by Rick Riordan. The story centers on a young boy, Percy Jackson, who discovers he is a demigod, the son of Poseidon and a mortal woman. The series follows Percy and his friends as they embark on adventures and battle various mythological creatures. Set in a modern world where Greek gods and mythological beings exist, the series blends ancient mythology with contemporary settings and themes, exploring concepts of identity, heroism, and friendship.
How to watch online Percy Jackson and the Olympians
To watch “Percy Jackson and the Olympians,” you can:
- Movies: The first two books of the series were adapted into movies: “Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief” and “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters.” These can be found on various streaming platforms or for digital rental/purchase.
- Upcoming TV Series: A new TV series adaptation is in development for Disney+. Keep an eye on Disney+ for its release, as it will provide a more thorough exploration of the books.
Always check your local streaming services for availability, as it can vary by region.
The “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” TV series on Disney+ consists of eight episodes. The first two episodes premiered on December 19, 2023, and subsequent episodes were released weekly. Each episode adapts the story from the first book in the series, “The Lightning Thief.” The show has been praised for its faithfulness to the source material, worldbuilding, and performances of the cast. The episodes cover Percy Jackson’s discovery of his demigod status and his quest to find Zeus’s stolen thunderbolt. For more detailed information about the episodes and the series, you can visit the Wikipedia page for “Percy Jackson and the Olympians”.
The main cast of the “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” TV series includes:
- Walker Scobell as Percy Jackson, a demigod and son of Poseidon
Other notable cast members are Virginia Kull as Sally Jackson (Percy’s mother), Glynn Turman as Chiron/Mr. Brunner (a centaur), Jason Mantzoukas as Dionysus/Mr. D (God of Wine), and Megan Mullally as Alecto/Ms. Dodds (a Fury).
For a full list of cast members and their roles, you can visit the Wikipedia page for “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” TV series.